viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

Music that is celebrated on July 4

In these festivities, the music can be seen when the bands play with the flutes and drums in the parades.
Also, when consulates are organized in the streets, or commonly in the capitol.

Music of the parties of Quito

The founding parties of Quito are celebrated with a wide variety of activities and events where traditional music can not be absent. The music of Quito lights the popular festivities in the different neighborhoods, squares and parks of the city.
It is customary to meet in the streets and enjoy the chichera music together with some canelazos.

Typical costumes of the 4th of July

During this day there are numerous patriotic exhibitions and parades in the open air. These exhibitions are accompanied by a series of costumes and representative costumes in which three colors always predominate: red, blue and white.

These colors are those of the American flag and, at the same time, those of the famous Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam), who is the personification of the United States.

Typical costumes of the parties of Quito

The typical costume of Quito is characterized for being very colorful having an indigenous presence very energetic what makes see the respect that exists by on the first inhabitants of the lands of this city.

The food on the 4th of July

Food is one of the most outstanding traditions at these parties.
All American families get together to enjoy a barbecue with beer. Or other typical dishes such as hamburger, chicken wings, beans with pork, coleslaw (typical US salad), popcorn and ice cream.
It also highlights the grilled chicken, ribs, snacks and pretzels.
To accompany always with a tasty fruit like watermelon and, as a dessert, the so-called 'Marshmallows', which consist of a marshmallow and a little chocolate, placed between two cookies.

The food at the parties of Quito

In these celebrations of Quito a great variety of typical plates is offered, as they are the Quito locro, the broth with legs, or the locro with leather.

As strong dishes you can find mainly the hornado, or food from the coast as the cebiches with Quito adaptation.

The traditional desserts are not left behind, like the moncaibas, the mousse and the sweet tomato tree.

Which is celebrated on July 4?

On July 4 is celebrated the Independence Day in the United States that originated since the founding fathers of the country signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Since then Americans celebrate it with parades, fireworks, concerts, among other activities.